The second method I have is my 24 month moving average. This is what I expect to make on a month by month basis. It is currently at $108.82. This last month I brought in $140. So, what is my earnings potential? It could be $274 a month. I should be getting at least $108 a month. Or you can look at it this way:
$274 x 12 months = $3288/year
$108.82 x 12 months = $1205.84/year
$140 x 12 months = $1680/year
I would much rather go with the higher figure but lets be real here. What are the chances of me hitting an all time high on every site in the same month? The second figure, which is what I should make according to my 24 month average, should be viewed as the number to beat. The last number is a progress report. Hopefully it will reflect a number as close to your best month as possible.